If you are someone who pays thousands of dollars each year in health insurance out-of-pocket costs, you are certainly not alone. According to a Consumer Reports survey released earlier this year, 12 percent of Americans paid more than $5,000 in health insurance costs in 2013 alone.

"The high cost of health care is gobbling up Americans' pay raises," says Lisa Gill, Consumer Reports' drugs editor. "Our survey also shows that a large majority of people are worried about the those skyrocketing costs, and want more information on cost and quality."

Here are a few tips that will help you get the most out of your health insurance:

  • Agents can help you shop: When you decide to purchase health insurance, working with a licensed agent will be important, as they will be able to help you choose an affordable plan, a process that will be much easier and more effective than shopping on your own.
  • Get health care providers to see you as a person: When you visit a health care provider, it is essential that they see you as a person and not just another number on a chart. Have them sit down and talk through everything that is going on, as this will improve your quality of care.
  • Look for the most affordable options: Of course, you should have a plan that you can actually afford without breaking the bank. This is where a licensed agent will come in, as they will be able to help steer you in the right direction.

Be sure to check back here again for more helpful health insurance information, or contact a member of our team to learn more about available options.