Once again, the Supreme Court has struck down the latest challenge to President Obama's 2010 Affordable Care Act. This latest case, brought by the Pacific Legal Foundation on behalf of Iowa-based small business owner and artist, Matt Sissel, alleges that the ACA violates the country's constitutional standards, as legislation that raises funds must form in the House of Representatives, not the Senate where the act was originated, Greg Stohr wrote at Bloomberg News.

Sissel's appeal was struck down in an appeal's court, where judges cited previous Supreme court rulings as their reasoning. One of the main factors of the case revolved around whether the imposed tax for those who do not choose to have health insurance could be considered to be a revenue-raising bill. The judges ruled that the tax was a part of the bill and not the sole focus of the ACA itself.

"Twice before, the court has upheld the Affordable Care Act against major challenges raised by conservatives opposed to the law," USA Today's Richard Wolf explained. "The justices also have struck down a provision that forced for-profit corporations with religious objections to pay for contraceptive coverage, and they will hear a similar case this spring that could give religious non-profits the same exemption."

"The judges ruled that the tax was a part of the bill and not the sole focus."

According to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, around 80 percent of Republicans are displeased with the ACA, with another 53 percent of independent voters equally discontent. In light of the recent Supreme Court case dismissal, further measures to repeal ACA are expected to continue throughout the year. Depending on the outcome of the November election, there may be monumental changes in store for the future of American healthcare.

The fight to repeal this controversial act is still alive and well. Rachel Roubein wrote at the National Journal that newly-appointed House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke about his plans to completely rework the ACA in the coming years in a speech in December.

"There are many things to do, but most urgent is to re peal and re place Obama care," Ryan explained at the Library of Congress. "When people ask me what's wrong with the law, I usually say to them, how much time do you have? We think prices are going up be cause people have too few choices, not be cause they have too many. And we think this problem is so urgent that, next year, we are going to un veil a plan to re place every word of Obama care."

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