Why should I have health insurance? I am young, healthy and take no medications.
It’s understandable in a tight economy that many young adults today do not find value in having health insurance. The odds are in your favor that if you don’t have health insurance and save your premium that you’ll be ok. The odds are also in your favor if you ...
What is a pre existing condition and why do health carriers worry about this? When Applying for coverage, do I need to tell the insurer or the agent about a medical issue, and what can happen if I don’t?
What is a pre existing condition and why do health carriers worry about this? When Applying for coverage, do I need to tell the insurer or the agent about a medical issue, and what can happen if I don’t? The dreaded ‘preexisting condition clause’ is huge implied threat to most people getting ...
Why are expectant fathers not eligible for health coverage with individual coverage?
Many people don’t realize that MEN can be declined for being pregnant. No, we aren’t talking about something on the Oprah show, we are talking ‘average Joe’. If you are about to be the father of a yet born child, you are not insurable.
Why should I choose an HSA plan over a PPO copay plan?
One of the great manipulations of behavior was the trend in […]
Why are there waiting periods for maternity with private insurance?
This subject again deals with perception versus fact. In the employer sponsored healthcare market, maternity is never a preexisting condition. If you never had insurance in your life, and got a job with benefits, and you were 8 ½ months pregnant, you could not be turned down, and your childbirth expenses would be covered. In the individual plan market, if you or your husband were expecting a child, you would be declined. Even if you ...
Why is group coverage guarantee issue, while individual coverage is underwritten?
In 1996 Congress passed several significant health legislation bills. The Kennedy-Kassenbaum bill […]